Roberta – great-granddaughter of Alexander Lockhart, has provided this information on Alexander’s family, and updated it Nov 2015 – thanks Roberta!

Alexander Lockhart – Born Drimitten, died Drimitten, 9 Dec 1869, Loughros Point, Co. Donegal, Ireland.
Married Susan (Susanna) Boyd, Co. Donegal, 8 Dec 1840, born 4 May 1819. (Bible is in Lockhart home, “Bayview”, Drimitten, Loughros Point.)
Children of Alexander Lockhart and Susanna Boyd
- Hugh, born Drimitten, 28 Feb 1846 – teacher in Loughros Point Wesleyan National school, married Jane Boyd of the Rosses, Co. Donegal, 25 Feb 1875. Three of their children William, Jane, and Bella emigrated to the USA, Hugh (Jr) was born17 Dec 1881. Hugh died at age 50, and his widowed wife, Jane, (no longer allowed to reside in the school house accommodation) moved to Richard Lockhart’s house in Belfast.
- Ann (Annie), born Drimitten 21 Nov 1848, died USA, married Alex Brown?
- Thomas, born Drimitten 16 Jan 1867, worked in Mellon Bank, USA.
- Jane, born Drimitten 13 Mar 1858, died USA, married Hugh Wilson; they lived around Akron, Ohio.
- Alexander B., born Drimitten 4 Oct 1841, married Mary Jane Boyd in 1872, and died 16 Feb 1931. Alexander lived in the family home at “Bayview”. His son George Edwin Lockhart, born 16 Dec 1890, married Margaret Ann Acheson Finney from Down Patrick, Co. Down. She taught in the same school as No 1. Hugh Lockhart. They had 4 children, including Alexander Shaw Lockhart, who married Isobel Lockhart (descendant of No. 10). They lived on the original farm “Bayview”. Alexander Shaw Lockhart died in 2003, and Isobel lives with her son Richard at Bayview.
- John, born Drimitten 12 June 1862, died Pittsburgh, USA, married Mary Staples, born England. John was a trolley car conductor. They are buried in Riverside Cemetery, Sharpsville, PA. John and Mary had 3 children, Myrtle Jane, Emily, and Marion.
- Susanna Mary (Ann) born Drimitten 8 Oct 1864, died USA, married John Devitt from Laccaduff (or Lackaduff) Loughros Point. (They sold the family farm to the “Boyd family” and emigrated to Pittsburgh; their grandson Jim Devitt wrote a book on the Lockhart/Boyd family genealogy)
- Richard, born Drimitten 19 Feb 1860, head constable of the Royal Irish Constabulary (RIC) in Belfast.
- Isabella, born Drimitten 15 Sep 1843, married William Given from Slane, Co. Meath. William was a son of Henry Given, The Hall, or Hall Demense) Mountcharles, Co. Donegal. The Given family moved to Slane in the early 1870’s from Montcharles, and had a connection with the Conyngham family estates in both Donegal and Meath. William Given became the Lockkeeper in Fennor, Co. Meath. William Given (c1837 – 1905), Isabella (Lockhart) Given (c1844 – c1935) – Children: William Henry, Martha, Alexander (b 12 March 1874), Susan (b 11 March 1876), Isabella Agnes, Charles John (b 10 April 1880, d 1969, Fennor, Richard, Harriet, Eunice.
- William, born Drimitten 2 Jun 1851, married Isabel (Bell) Boyd Laccaduff, 6 Mar 1884, and lived in Laccaduff. William’s son, Alexander Thomas Lockhart, (b 14 Jan 1885) first married Sarah Ann McKee (b 17 Feb 1907), but she and a child died in childbirth. Alexander Thomas married again Mary Jane Cassidy from Corkermore. They had 4 children including Isobel Lockhart, who married Alexander Shaw Lockhart who is a grandson of No. 5 Alexander Lockhart.
This family was probably a cousin of the William Lockhart (born 1825, Drimitten, died 8 Jan 1872, Drimitten) who married Mary McClintock and also farmed at Drimitten. After William’s early death, Mary sold the land and farm to her neighbor, No. 5, Alexander Lockhart, and the ruins of their home can still be seen and this field is still called “Mary’s Field”.